marți, septembrie 09, 2008

La pestera Sf. Apostol Andrei

Intorcandu-ne de la mare spre Bucuresti ne-am oprit la manastirea Pestera Sf. Apostol Andrei (The Monastery Cave the St. Andrew the Apostle ). Aici se gaseste pestera unde se spune ca in jurul anului 60 d. Hr. Sfantul Apostol s-a oprit impreuna cu ucenicii sai.

crucea Sf. Apostol Andrei marcheaza drumul spre manastire

biserica manastirii

in pestera

in biserica

sfintele moaste


6 comentarii:

Irina spunea...

ce frumos! 8->

am mers si eu destul de des aici, e o atmosfera si un peisaj aparte...

@irina_sweet_home spunea...

daaa, asa e, si noua ne-a placut mult. A fost prima oara cand am vizitat Dobrogea.

Natalia spunea...

Oo, si eu care vroiam de cand ne-am intors din concediu sa postez despre pestera Sf. Andrei! :) Ne-a placut si noua acolo... Pe la Dervent nu ati trecut?

@irina_sweet_home spunea...

nu, n-am mai trecut, ca nu mai aveam timp. Voi ati fost? oricum, povesteste si tu cum ti s-a parut, stii cum e, acelasi loc, dar experientele difera :)

Mimi spunea...

What a beautiful and prayerful Monastary. What a gift to have gone.

Holy St. Andrew, pray to God for us.

Kosson spunea...

A very beautiful Monastery and the cave where Saint Andrew worshiped God and spread the Good Word among Dacians-our ancestors (the apostle of the Wolves). This is considered the first church on Romanian territory.
Yes, we were very happy to visit and pray at the site where Dacians became Christians. nearby there's another Monastery - Dervent where we have three of the first 3 martyrs in Dacia. They were beheaded and short after their passing three stone crosses started to grow from the earth - a continued miracle even in communist times when they tried to hide this God given proof.